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A notification about starting 2016 "good project" the appraisal work

Release time:2016-01-14 10:08:19   Page view:2377

Relevant departments and the head:

  Wenzhou city building decoration association about the 2016 "good project" appraisal work (and wenzhou "pick mountain cup" excellent decoration engineering award jury) has been started, therefore, according to the actual project engineering company, will now several main job requirements are as follows:

  (1) time limit for project can be declared as: on January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015, during the completion acceptance of the project;

  (2) the reporting time: on March 27, 2016 - April 10

  (3) we will declare the project are:

  1.the public building decoration engineering: (1) the wenzhou third people's hospital maternity and child care center decoration engineering (Ren Guolin responsible for); (2) the wenzhou samsung industry office building decoration engineering (kit is responsible for).

  2.public architectural decoration design: (1) the new jiangsu xinyi will kang pharmaceutical synthesis information center, dining hall, activity center building decoration design (Wu Ge responsible for).
Above work, requirements engineering specific persons responsible Ren Guolin comrade, kit, such as design specific persons responsible Wu Ge 3, according to the responsibility list subject duty schedule time node in a timely manner to provide related materials needed to sales department unified sorting, binding, report.


Zhejiang Ruiji construction engineering co., LTD

 November 27, 2015

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